Author: drfmarzban


Revolutionizing Real Estate with OBI GPT

How Obi GPT is Transforming the Industry

At the heart of the Obi GPT platform is the innovative use of AI. This technology allows the platform to understand and process vast amounts of data, including property listings, market trends, and customer preferences, in a fraction of the time it would take human agents.

This increased speed and accuracy means that buyers and sellers can access more relevant information and make better-informed decisions, leading to more efficient and profitable transactions.

obi gpt

But that’s not all. The Obi GPT platform also includes a variety of other features that help agents and property managers streamline their workflows and improve their productivity. For example, it can automatically generate personalized marketing materials, such as property descriptions and listings, saving hours of manual labor. It can also identify and alert agents to potential leads, such as buyers who are likely to be interested in a property based on their search history and preferences.

obi gpt

This is where Obi Coin, the cryptocurrency that will fuel the Obi GPT platform, comes in. By using Obi Coin, users will be able to access premium features of the platform, such as priority lead generation and advanced analytics, which can help them close more deals and grow their businesses. Additionally, the platform will reward users with Obi Coin for their contributions to the platform, such as providing valuable data or completing certain tasks.

The introduction of Obi GPT and Obi Coin represents a major step forward for the real estate industry, and it’s clear that these technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way properties are bought, sold, and managed. By leveraging the power of AI and blockchain, the Obi GPT platform will empower agents and property managers to work more efficiently and effectively, ultimately leading to greater success for everyone involved.

Obi Coin is a great token to own because it is the fuel for the innovative Obi GPT platform which is poised to revolutionize the real estate industry. The platform’s advanced AI technology, allows for an unprecedented level of speed and accuracy in processing vast amounts of data, leading to more efficient and profitable transactions for buyers and sellers.

The platform also includes a variety of features that help agents and property managers streamline their workflows and improve productivity. With the use of Obi Coin, users will be able to access premium features such as priority lead generation and advanced analytics, which can help them close more deals and grow their businesses.

Additionally, the platform will reward users with Obi Coin for their contributions to the platform, such as providing valuable data or completing certain tasks. Overall, owning Obi Coin not only provides access to these powerful tools but also the potential for appreciation as the platform gains adoption and acceptance in the industry.

Author: Adrian Rothchild


Exploring the Impact of Cryptocurrency

on the Real Estate Market

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The real estate market and the cryptocurrency market may seem unrelated at first glance, but they have more in common than you might think. Both markets are driven by supply and demand, and both can be highly speculative. However, the relationship between these two markets is becoming increasingly important as more and more people are using cryptocurrency to buy and sell real estate. One such platform that is making waves in the industry is Obi Real Estate, a decentralized real estate platform that is set to forever change the real estate sector by providing more opportunities for everyone globally to get involved in real estate.

One of the biggest impacts that cryptocurrency is having on the real estate market is the ability to buy and sell property without the need for a traditional bank or financial institution. Cryptocurrency transactions are decentralized and can be completed without the need for intermediaries, which can save buyers and sellers significant amounts of money.

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Additionally, cryptocurrency transactions are fast and can be completed in a matter of minutes, as opposed to traditional real estate transactions which can take weeks or even months to complete. Obi Real Estate takes this one step further by offering a decentralized platform that removes intermediaries and allows direct transactions between buyers and sellers.

Obi Real Estate platform is not just a decentralized real estate platform but also a decentralized tokenization platform and the world’s first real estate utility NFT.

A patent pending decentralized tokenization platform allows for fractional ownership of real estate assets, which means that investors can purchase a small stake in a property rather than having to buy the entire property. Now, this is different than what the you will see with big hedge funds or development companies offering fractionalize ownerships.

The Obi platfrom is full controlled and ran by its users. This opens up the real estate market to a wider range of investors, including those who may not have had the means to invest in real estate before.

Worlds first real estate utility NFT allows for the representation of real-world assets like real estate, art and other collectibles in the digital world. This opens up the possibility of owning a digital representation of a property or a piece of art and provides more opportunities for investors to diversify their portfolios.

In the NFT department, Obi Real Estate has introduced “The Kingdom” NFTs, which give each NFT holder a lifetime membership to a real estate country club. This means that NFT holders can enjoy access to exclusive properties and amenities, such as luxury villas, golf courses, and private beaches. Additionally, if you can’t go, you can always rent it to others, providing a new stream of passive income for NFT holders. This feature adds a whole new level of utility and value to NFTs, making them more than just digital collectibles.

However, the integration of cryptocurrency and real estate is not without its challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of regulation and oversight. Cryptocurrency is largely unregulated, which can make it difficult for buyers and sellers to navigate the market. Additionally, there is a lack of standardization in the market, which can make it difficult for buyers and sellers to agree on terms and conditions. Obi Real Estate addresses this by implementing a smart contract system that ensures compliance with local regulations and standardizes the transaction process.

Despite these challenges, the use of cryptocurrency in the real estate market is likely to continue to grow in the coming years. As more and more people become comfortable with using cryptocurrency, the number of real estate transactions conducted using cryptocurrency is likely to increase. Additionally, as the regulatory environment for cryptocurrency becomes more defined, the market will become more stable and predictable, making it easier for buyers and sellers to navigate.

In conclusion, the integration of cryptocurrency and real estate is having a significant impact on the way that property is bought and sold. The decentralized nature of cryptocurrency transactions is making it easier and more accessible for people to buy and sell property, and this trend is likely to continue in the coming years and Obi is architecting the way.

Author: Adriana Rothschild

Real Estate Tokens: The Tangible

and Stable Investment Alternative to Cryptocurrency

Learn about Real Estate Tokens

real estate tokens

Real Estate Tokens

To: Interested Parties

Re: Why Obi Coin is a much bigger play value wise than majority of the cryptocurrencies out there.

Obi Coin is a real estate utility token that is designed to be used as a currency within the real estate industry. The token is built on blockchain technology and can be used to purchase, trade, and invest in real estate assets.

There are several reasons why Obi Coin is a much bigger play value wise than the majority of other cryptocurrencies out there:

  1. Real estate is a tangible asset: Real estate is a physical asset that has intrinsic value, it is something that people need, unlike other cryptocurrencies which are often based on abstract concepts, Obi Coin is backed by real estate assets, this gives the token a tangible value that is not subject to the same volatility as other cryptocurrencies. Also, real estate is a relatively stable and long-term investment, which can help protect against market fluctuations and provide a steady stream of income through rent. Additionally, real estate is a relatively stable and long-term investment. The value of real estate tends to appreciate over time, and it can also provide a steady stream of income through rent. This stability is attractive to investors who are looking for a reliable and profitable investment opportunity. When it comes to Obi Coin, the fact that it is backed by real estate assets gives it a level of stability that other cryptocurrencies may not have. By having a tangible asset behind the token, investors can have confidence that their investment has a real-world value and is less likely to experience the same level of volatility as other cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, the ability to use the token to purchase and trade real estate assets, with the added transparency and security provided by blockchain technology, makes Obi Coin a unique and valuable investment opportunity in the real estate market. It allows for more accessibility and efficiency in the process of buying and investing in real estate, which can be beneficial for both individuals and companies.
  2. High demand for real estate: The real estate market is one of the most stable and lucrative markets in the world, regardless of economic conditions, people will always need a place to live, with the global population growing and urbanization on the rise, the demand for real estate is only going to increase. As a result, real estate is considered a relatively safe and profitable long-term investment and any cryptoccurency that is being utilized in real estate is only going to get bigger over time.
  3. Transparency and security: The use of blockchain technology in the Obi platform ensures transparency and security in real estate transactions. Blockchain technology allows for a tamper-proof and immutable record of all transactions, which can help prevent fraud, reduce administrative costs, and increase the speed and efficiency of transactions. This is a valuable feature for investors, as it provides them with a level of security and trust that they may not have when investing in other cryptocurrencies.
  4. Flexibility: The Obi platform allows for the token to be used for a variety of real estate transactions, including buying, selling, staking and renting properties; plus much more. (See for more info) This flexibility makes it a valuable asset for both individuals and companies. The token can be used to purchase properties, as well as to invest in real estate development projects. It also allows for fractional ownership, which can help make real estate investments more accessible to a wider range of investors.

In conclusion, Obi Coin’s real-world application, stability in its value, backed by tangible assets, high demand, transparency and security, and flexibility makes it a much bigger play value wise than majority of the cryptocurrencies out there. This makes it a valuable investment opportunity for those looking to enter the real estate market or diversify their portfolio.

Author: Adriana Rothchild

Real Estate Needs Obi Real Estate

real estate

With the help of AI, blockchain technology, smart contracts, and cryptocurrency have the potential to revolutionize the real estate industry. One company, Obi Real Estate, is perfectly poised to take advantage of this technology and bring the real estate market into the digital age.

One of the biggest advantages of blockchain technology is its ability to provide a secure and transparent record of transactions. In the real estate industry, this means that property ownership and transaction history can be easily tracked and verified, reducing the potential for fraud and streamlining the buying and selling process.

Smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement written into code, can also greatly benefit the real estate industry. These contracts can automate the process of transferring ownership and handling payments, making the process faster and more efficient.

Cryptocurrency also plays a role in the real estate industry’s integration of blockchain technology. The use of digital currencies in real estate transactions can eliminate the need for traditional banks and financial institutions, reducing fees and increasing security.

Obi Real Estate is a company that is at the forefront of this technological shift. They are using blockchain technology to create a decentralized platform for buying and selling real estate. Their platform allows for secure and transparent transactions, and they accept payments in multiple cryptocurrencies.

One of the biggest challenges in the real estate industry is the lack of trust between buyers, sellers, and other parties involved in a transaction. Blockchain technology, through its ability to create a tamper-proof ledger of transactions, can help build trust by providing a transparent and unchangeable record of ownership and transaction history.

Another challenge faced by the real estate industry is the high cost and complexity of property transactions. Smart contracts can help automate and streamline the process, reducing the need for intermediaries and legal fees and Obi is doing this with all types of smarts contracts implemented into their application chat for negotiations between parties and payments. This can not only save time and money but also increase access to property ownership for people who may have been previously excluded. We will go in more detail about tokenization in another article.

Another important aspect of blockchain technology is its ability to enable peer-to-peer transactions. This eliminates the need for centralized intermediaries such as banks, real estate agencies, and title companies, which can result in lower transaction fees and greater autonomy for buyers and sellers. Obi Coin solves all these problems.

Another important aspect of blockchain technology is its ability to enable fractional ownership. In the traditional real estate market, it’s difficult for individuals to invest in high-value properties due to the high cost of entry. However, with blockchain technology, it’s possible to create digital tokens that represent fractional ownership of a property. This can enable a larger number of people to invest in real estate and also opens up new opportunities for crowdfunding and other forms of collective ownership.

Obi founders accomplished this by doing a real estate development of condominiums from ground up in order to spread more opportunities in this section.

Lastly, by accepting payments in multiple cryptocurrencies, Obi Real Estate is helping to remove barriers to entry for people who may not have access to traditional banking systems, as well as giving buyers and sellers greater flexibility in how they fund transactions.

In conclusion, the integration of blockchain technology, smart contracts, and cryptocurrency in the real estate industry can bring about a range of benefits, including increased trust, reduced transaction costs, peer-to-peer transactions, fractional ownership, and greater accessibility. Obi Real Estate is at the forefront of this technological shift and is leading the way in the digitization of the real estate market. In our professional opinion Obi’s decentralized real estate application will forever change the real estate sector for the better.

Author: Crypto Media

Crypto Just Became Real Estate’s Hottest New Thing.

Here’s What That Means For Buyers, Sellers, And Developers


It pans out even slower and more painfully when it comes to fundamental changes to the rules by which the real estate industry plays—many of which remain so outdated that they are analogously as irrelevant and inefficient as phones still attached to the wall. Crypto

Which is why everyone—brokers, realtors, developers, buyers, sellers, and particularly cryptocurrency investors—should be paying close attention to the current crypto-real estate wave that’s no-so-quietly been sweeping Miami for months especially given Bitcoin’s 50% cliff fall since last November.

Last June, I broke the story on America’s largest-known cryptocurrency real estate deal to date, which was a Miami Beach penthouse that traded for $22.5 million in crypto equivalency at Arte by Antonio Citterio, located one floor down from where Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have been holing up for months.

Since then, Miami’s toes-in-the-water, crypto-housing romance has surged into a full-blown, politically-celebrated tsunami that’s poised to upend the essential financial foundations upon which the whole industry is transacted as ever bigger, more powerful players appear ready to jump in. In the process, the wave’s even more likely to drown out everyone else who’s not interested in keeping up, and more importantly give crypto and Bitcoin investors a savvy way to stabilize their upsides.

To be clear on this whole Bitcoin-meets-penthouse thing since I’ve been tracking it for a while: a lot of the squawking froth for years has been exactly that—foam without the follow through on the actual processes, partnerships, and exchanges that would make transactionable, regulatable digital real estate deals possible.

Cryptocurrencies, in general, until recently also have continued to suffer from a basic understandability issue, which not surprisingly has hampered adoption with buyers who are still leery of betting the largest, long-term wealth-generating decision of their lives on a bunch of servers, zeroes, and ones. Housing and real estate investing already are fraught with financial risk (Great Recession anyone?). So why pile onto it with even more uncertainties by injecting a digital currency proxy that gets everyone even more confused in the first place?

For most developers and investors—many of whom have made billions over their careers selling houses and condos the old-fashioned way—real estate’s potential crypto new normal is still terra incognita as well. Rightly or wrongly, substituting the basic currency upon which empires already have been built for generations triggers fear. Because no matter how outdated the current rules are, everyone at least knows how the game is played and the inefficiency premium that has to be baked in.

Since late last year, however, Miami’s crypto-real estate boom has been challenging all of these conventional wisdoms as the price of crypto currencies like Bitcoin specifically have surged.

In the process, it’s also laying the potential rails for a new financial framework for how buyers buy and sellers sell that could spill over into other frothy real estate markets in tech-centric cities like New York, San Francisco, Austin, and LA just as quickly as it’s taken root in Miami.

If that happens, the implications for real estate writ large are huge. For the early adopting developers and builders who’ve already realized that cryptocurrency deals are legit, legal, enforceable, efficient, and here to stay, it also raises the more strategic question about just how far the digital-real estate revolution can go, and what it will take to stay ahead of the curve once everyone else jumps in.

“Innovation has always been at our forefront,” says Camilo Miguel, Jr., Founder and CEO of the real estate firm Mast Capital and developer of the recently launched Cipriani Residences Miami, the first ever ground-up Cipriani-branded condominium in the U.S. “And it’s clear that cryptocurrency is the next generation of wealth and will become a significant factor in real estate transactions in the future. Next generation buyers are individuals who want the ability to diversify their investment portfolio into real estate quickly and easily, and the combination of blockchain and crypto allows them to do that.”

So not surprisingly timed, last week’s announcement that Cipriani Miami will begin accepting cryptocurrency deposits through the crypto exchange FTX coinciding with the recent inaugural Formula 1 Miami Grand Prix, is one more sign that Magic City’s blockchain wave is here to stay—particularly when it comes to international buyers eager to diversify their cryptocurrency holdings into South Florida’s searingly hot real estate market.

“With the Formula 1 event sponsored by and FTX’s sponsorship with Mercedes F1, this timing couldn’t be better for us,” Miguel Jr. continues. “We’ve been consciously trying to identify a platform that works for our business of selling luxury condominiums while providing a seamless crypto buying experience, and the solution that we’ve reached with FTX achieves both.”

For everyone wondering what that “solution” actually looks like from a transactional standpoint, here’s how it works:

FTX, thanks to its leading crypto trading platform (think NASDAQ for digital currencies), is able to convert Bitcoin or Ethereum or any other cryptocurrency into U.S. dollars in a fraction of a second through its online exchange regardless of what that transaction is based on from a value standpoint e.g., a Picasso-backed NFT (non-fungible token), the lyrics to a Bob Dylan song, or the penthouse one floor down from David Beckham.

In purely real estate terms, that means a buyer from anywhere in the world can put a pre-construction deposit down on a condominium in Miami in any cryptocurrency that moves from their digital wallet to a traditional American escrow account in equivalent U.S. dollars with the swipe of an app virtually instantaneously—all while meeting AML (“anti-money laundering”) and KYC (“know your customer”) SEC regulations that make the transaction street legal and compliant in the first place.

For the real estate developers on the selling side of things, FTX’s warp speed conversioning also mitigates crypto’s infamous market volatility swings like what’s happened recently with Bitcoin, ensuring that $22.5 million for a penthouse actually means $22.5 million when it comes to money in the bank at the time of transaction.

“FTX’s first in class conversion speed is what makes them the leader in the crypto marketplace,” says Miguel Jr. “In addition to AML and KYC, we’re obviously most concerned about crypto volatility as developers. And FTX has alleviated those concerns by allowing us to accept deposit payments made from all major cryptocurrencies to U.S. dollars in a matter of seconds. They’re respected in the Miami brokerage community, the namesake for the Miami Heat’s FTX Arena, and have appointed a specific real estate-focused team to work with buyers throughout their entire transaction to ensure that the process is simple and seamless so we feel confident about what we’re doing and buyers can as well.”

While new-to-the-game real estate investors like Mast Capital in Miami are just jumping on the crypto train, Property Markets Group (PMG), a global real estate development firm with a 30-year portfolio of hospitality, luxury and mixed-use residential real estate, deserves the credit for sending it out of the station in the first place.

Last year, PMG became the first developer to forge a partnership with FTX and start accepting crypto for deposits at their new E11EVEN Residences. A few months later, they started accepting crypto at their Waldorf Astoria Residences development just down the street. Eight months later, that “proof on concept” exercise now equates to crypto deposits for more than 75 condos in both buildings totaling more than eight figures in pre-sales financing.

For what it’s worth, these aren’t small ball numbers.

Since last year, PMG has closed more real estate deals in cryptocurrency than any other developer globally. And with more than $5 billion in real estate development planned over the next five years, every other developer should be paying attention to PMG’s announcement last week that it will now accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment for all pre-sales and for-sale condos in all of their U.S. and global developments in partnership with FTX—becoming the first international developer to go all in on crypto and sending an unmistakable signal to everyone else in the industry that digital currencies are real estate’s future not a fad.

“For three decades, PMG has been committed to staying ahead of the curve on innovation,” says Ryan Shear, PMG’s Managing Director. “We are proud to be the first residential real estate developer to accept crypto deposits in pre-construction condominiums globally. And this milestone is in line with our goal to consistently pave the way for innovation and being ahead of the curve in the marketplace. Accepting crypto deposits made sense for us because it is the embodiment of cutting-edge technology.”

For international crypto investors in particular, many of whom hold volatile, multi-millionaire dollar portfolios, what Shear saw a year ago was the ability to offer a new generation of young, savvy fintech pioneers the ability to transition some of those investments into more stable, traditional asset classes like Miami’s smoking hot luxury condominium market which hasn’t twitched an inch of volatility and isn’t showing any signs of slowing down.

“We saw an opportunity to allow people to diversify their cryptocurrency assets and easily transfer funds into stable, physical real estate,” Shear says. “And accepting crypto offers buyers a more accessible way to do that and purchase units. Blockchain and digital currencies expedite the purchasing process and reduce barriers international buyers face, which is a key tool for us when developing in a growing international city such as Miami. International buyers in particular can quickly purchase a condo while avoiding international fees and bank wires, and crypto allows for the opportunity to quickly move assets from international banks and exchanges to secure American investments.”

As for the remaining risks, naysayers, and resisters, there’s not a lot left to harp about, adds Shear.

“The success and record sales pace that we have witnessed at E11EVEN Residences Miami proved to us that crypto deposits are the future of real estate and a tool that we should use across all of our projects. Being an early adaptor in any market involves risk. But partnering with a company like FTX has given us the confidence to let innovation happen while being confident that the increasing demand for crypto in Miami is here to stay. Similar to PMG, FTX has always been forward thinking and committed to growing Miami as America’s crypto epicenter.”

At the rate PMG and FTX currently are going, that pace is just going to accelerate and the biggest challenge for everyone else will be keeping up.

Author: Peter Lane Taylor

Bloomberg – Buy and Sell Homes

buy and sell homes

Obi Real Estate is revolutionizing the way we buy and sell property. After reading the company’s white paper and learning more about the team behind it, it’s clear that they have a deep understanding of the industry and are well-positioned to shake things up and not only in the real estate world but also have a huge impact in the cryptocurrency sector as well.

One of the most exciting aspects of Obi is its free-to-use mobile app. This app makes it easy for property owners to list their properties for sale and for buyers to find and purchase their dream home. By eliminating the traditional 6% commission that is typically charged by real estate agents, Obi is leveling the playing field for everyone involved.

But the benefits of Obi don’t stop there. The platform is built on the Ethereum blockchain, which means that all transactions are secure, transparent, and tamper-proof. This added layer of trust is especially important when dealing with such a large financial commitment as buying or selling a property.

Another unique aspect of Obi is their incentive program for property owners. Instead of charging them a commission, the company is actually paying property owners a $1,000 to list their property on the platform. This is a clear indication that Obi views real estate as an asset to be built on, rather than a source of revenue for a select few.

From an investment perspective, owning Obi coins is an exciting opportunity. The company is still in its early stages, but with its innovative approach and strong team, it’s poised for growth in the coming years. I personally have invested in Obi coins, and I’m looking forward to seeing where the company goes in the next 3–5 years.

In summary, Obi Real Estate is disrupting the traditional real estate market by providing a free, transparent, and secure platform for buying and selling properties. This, combined with their incentive program for property owners, makes it a great opportunity for anyone looking to invest in the real estate industry.

Author: Bloomberg Media

Navigating the Cryptocurrency Market

Timing Your Entry


Cryptocurrency has been a topic of much debate in recent years, with some experts hailing it as the future of currency and others warning of its potential for volatility and instability. However, as the market continues to mature and evolve, it is becoming increasingly clear that now is a good time to enter the cryptocurrency market.

One of the main reasons to invest in cryptocurrency now is the growing mainstream acceptance and adoption of digital currencies. Major companies such as PayPal and Square have begun to offer cryptocurrency services to their customers, and more and more retailers and businesses are accepting digital currencies as a form of payment. This increased acceptance and adoption means that there is growing demand for cryptocurrency, which in turn drives up its value.

Another reason to consider investing in cryptocurrency now is the potential for high returns on investment. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and the value of digital currencies can fluctuate wildly in a short period of time. However, for those who are willing to take on a higher level of risk, the potential for high returns on investment is significant. In fact, many early investors in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin have seen incredible returns on their investment.

In addition to the potential for high returns, investing in cryptocurrency now also provides a hedge against inflation. As traditional fiat currencies lose value due to inflation, the value of digital currencies can appreciate. This can provide a safe haven for investors looking to protect their wealth from the effects of inflation.

There are also many different ways to invest in cryptocurrency, which makes it accessible to investors of all levels of experience and risk tolerance. For example, individuals can invest in cryptocurrencies directly by purchasing digital currencies on a cryptocurrency exchange. Traditional investors should look into companies likes Obi Real Estate that are going to be extremely desruptive.

Alternatively, they can invest in a cryptocurrency-related stock or ETF, which provides exposure to the market without the need to purchase and hold actual digital currencies.

Furthermore, the increasing regulatory clarity for crypto assets also make it more secure for investors to enter the crypto market. This regulatory clarity is creating a more stable environment for digital currencies and making it easier for individuals and institutions to invest in crypto assets with more confidence.

In conclusion, the growing mainstream acceptance and adoption of digital currencies, the potential for high returns on investment, the hedge against inflation, the accessibility of different ways to invest, and the increasing regulatory clarity make it a good idea to enter the cryptocurrency market now. While there is always risk involved in any investment, the potential rewards of investing in cryptocurrency make it worth considering as part of a well-diversified portfolio.

Author: Crypto Media

Top 5 Cryptocurrencies to Watch in 2023

A Guide to Potential Market Movers: Cryptocurrencies


Cryptocurrencies have taken the world by storm in recent years, and there are now countless companies vying for a piece of the pie. However, some companies stand out as particularly influential in the space. Here are the top five best influential cryptocurrency companies, as well as a bonus mention of a newer player, Obi Coin.

  1. Bitcoin: The first and still the largest cryptocurrency by market cap, Bitcoin has been the driving force behind the rise of digital currencies. The company behind Bitcoin, the Bitcoin Foundation, has been instrumental in promoting the use and acceptance of the currency.
  2. Ethereum: Ethereum is the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap and has been a key player in the development of the blockchain technology that underlies many digital currencies. The Ethereum Foundation, the company behind Ethereum, has been a major contributor to the open-source development of the technology.
  3. Ripple: Ripple is a big player in the cryptocurrency space but has already made a big impact. The company behind Ripple, Ripple Labs, has developed a global payment system that uses the Ripple currency. This system has the potential to revolutionize the way money is transferred across borders.
  4. Litecoin: Litecoin is often referred to as the “silver to Bitcoin’s gold.” The company behind Litecoin, Litecoin Foundation, has been working to promote the use of the currency as a global payment system.
  5. Cardano: Cardano is an open-source blockchain platform that aims to provide a more sustainable and secure infrastructure for decentralized applications. The company behind Cardano, IOHK, has been working to improve the scalability and interoperability of the platform.

Obi Coin is a newer player in the cryptocurrency space, but it has already made a big impact. The company behind Obi Coin, Obi Real Estate LLC, has been developing a decentralized platform built on the Ethereum platform that allows for fast and secure transactions. This platform has the potential to change the way people think about online transactions.

One of the areas where Obi Coin is poised to make a significant impact is in the real estate sector. The platform’s decentralized nature allows for the creation of smart contracts that can facilitate the buying and selling of properties without the need for intermediaries like banks or real estate agents. This can greatly reduce the cost and complexity of real estate transactions. With the Obi Application, anyone will be able to help buy and sell real estate without having to be an agent or broker and Obi will pay property owner $1,000 to sell their house zero commission which has never been done before.

The use of blockchain technology also means that all transactions on the Obi Coin platform are transparent and secure. This can increase trust and confidence among buyers and sellers, making it easier for transactions to take place. In addition, the use of smart contracts can automate many of the processes involved in real estate transactions, such as title transfer and escrow services. This can greatly speed up the process and make it more efficient.

Obi platform also allows for the tokenization of real estate assets. This means that properties can be divided into digital tokens that can be bought and sold on the platform. This opens up new opportunities for investment in real estate, as it allows for fractional ownership and makes it easier for small investors to participate.

In conclusion, Obi decentralized platform has the potential to change the way the real estate sector operates. By reducing costs, increasing transparency and security, and automating processes, it can make buying and selling properties faster, simpler, and more accessible to everyone. Additionally, with the added incentive of paying property owner $1,000 to sell their house zero commission, it’s definitely a cryptocurrency worth keeping an eye on in the future.

Author: Crypto Media

Web3 Real Estate Aiding Title Fraud

Title fraud is a serious issue in the real estate industry, as it involves the unlawful transfer or claim of ownership of a property without the knowledge or consent of the rightful owner. This can lead to costly legal battles and damage to an individual’s reputation and financial security.

One way that the Obi real estate application is looking to solve this issue is by using blockchain technology. Every property closing on the Obi application will be recorded on the Ethereum blockchain, which is a decentralized and secure digital ledger.

The use of the Ethereum blockchain for recording property transactions provides several benefits in terms of security and transparency. Because the blockchain is decentralized, it is not controlled by any single entity and is instead maintained by a network of computers. This makes it nearly impossible for any one person or group to alter or tamper with the record of a property transaction.

In addition, the use of the Ethereum blockchain allows for complete transparency in the property transaction process. All parties involved in the transaction can view the record of the transaction on the blockchain, ensuring that there is no room for fraud or deception.

Blockchain technology is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions across a network of computers. It is often used to create tamper-proof and transparent record keeping systems.

In the case of the Obi real estate application, the integration of blockchain technology helps to solve the issue of title fraud by providing a secure and transparent platform for recording property transactions. This is achieved through the use of smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement written directly into code.

When a property transaction is recorded on the blockchain, it is grouped with other transactions into a block. Each block is then cryptographically linked to the previous block, creating a chain of blocks. This creates an immutable and tamper-proof record of all property transactions, making it much more difficult for fraudsters to alter or falsify records.

By using blockchain technology in the Obi real estate application, the rights of property owners are protected and trust and confidence in the real estate industry as a whole is increased. This is because all parties involved in a property transaction, such as buyers, sellers, and real estate agents, have access to the same transparent and accurate records.

Overall, the integration of blockchain technology into the Obi real estate application helps to solve the issue of title fraud by providing a secure and transparent platform for recording property transactions. This not only helps to protect the rights of property owners, but also helps to build trust and confidence in the real estate industry as a whole.

Author: Adriana Rothschild

Forbes – Tokenizing Real Estate – Without Being A Security

Tokenization refers to the process of representing a real-world asset as a digital token on a blockchain. This process has the potential to revolutionize the real estate industry by making it easier for people to own and trade real estate assets.

One company that is pioneering the use of tokenization in real estate is Obi, a startup co-founded by CEO Amir Yazdani. In 2018, Obi had developed a condominium specifically for the purpose of tokenization, allowing people to own a share of the property with as little as $100. This means that even those who may not have the financial means to purchase a whole property outright can now have a stake in real estate ownership.

The use of tokenization also allows for increased liquidity in the real estate market. Traditional real estate purchases can be illiquid, as it can take a significant amount of time and effort to buy or sell a property. By contrast, tokenization allows for the buying and selling of small fractions of a property, making it easier and quicker to trade, and Obi provides this with ease.

In addition to increasing accessibility and liquidity, tokenization also has the potential to provide a new source of financing for real estate projects. By issuing tokens that represent ownership in a property, developers can raise capital from a larger pool of investors, including those who may not have the means to invest in traditional real estate ventures.

Overall, the use of Obi’s decentralized tokenization platform in real estate has the potential to democratize the industry and provide new opportunities for people all over the world to become landlords and participate in the real estate market. By providing access to ownership for those who may not have had it before, Obi by utilizing its tokenization platform will help to level the playing field and provide more people with the opportunity to build wealth through real estate.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, tokenization in real estate can also improve transparency and reduce the risk of fraud. Since tokenized assets are recorded on a secure, decentralized blockchain, all transactions and ownership records are transparent and immutable. This can help to reduce the risk of fraudulent activity and make the process of buying and selling real estate more secure.

This is why I am such a big advocate for the Obi community. With all the platorms Obi is providing and its utility token, Obi Coin, the future of real estate is in good hands.

Another potential benefit of tokenization in real estate is the ability to easily track and manage ownership rights. In traditional real estate transactions, ownership rights can be complex and may involve multiple parties. By contrast, tokenization allows for clear and concise records of ownership, making it easier to manage and transfer ownership rights.

Tokenization can also enable new business models in the real estate industry. For example, real estate developers like Yazani could use tokenization to offer fractional ownership in a property, allowing multiple parties to jointly own and use the property. This could make it easier for people to afford vacation homes or other properties that may have been out of reach otherwise.

Overall, the use of tokenization in real estate has the potential to greatly improve the efficiency and accessibility of the industry. By making it easier for people to own and trade real estate assets, and by providing new sources of financing and enabling new business models, tokenization has the potential to significantly transform the way real estate is bought, sold, and managed.

Obi real estate is leading the way.

Author: Adriana Rothschild